Good WeiDao

The Road to Good Taste

With three men walking together, there is always a teacher among them

Sept. 22, 2023, 3:24 p.m.

Reverb Sound

By Maurice Ticas




A few weeks ago, I recorded an audio track using Ardour as my Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). I used an sE Electronics active ribbon microphone connected to my Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd generation audio interface. The microphone is described by the manufacturer as being able to "take violins and voices right to the foreground of your listener's stereo". So as a violinist, I have been very happy using the mic to record. With my DAW, I was able to easily add a bit of reverb.

It has been a technical journey into the world of sound production that I hope to develop more deeply. Enjoy the sound of the Shi Liao violin under the control of my fingers and bow!

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